5 Levels of Health & Healing Blog


This blog is dedicated to exploring how to achieve optimal health and healing by understanding the 5 levels which include the physical body, energy body, mental body, information body and counsciousness. We'll explore each of the levels, what they mean, how to work with them and useful "how to's" to implement in your own health care.. We'll learn about ancient healing systems such as: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda but also stay on the cutting edge with modern medicine and quantum research. When you know more... you can do more. Here you'll learn about personal care and natural cures.


5 Levels of Health Blog





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Life & Death: Two sides of the same coin?

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Life & Death: Two sides of the same coin?
Random yet somewhat connected thoughts are running through my head this morning.
I’m sure the experiences I had this week have a lot to do with it.
My best girlfriend has been in a medically induced coma for nearly 4 weeks after a near
fatal motorcycle accident. That first night in the E.R. I was compelled to stay at her side
through the night. I watched her breathe and I felt her energy. I tried to connect with her
higher self and assure her she wasn’t alone. I had no idea where “she” had gone but I
was certain she would know someone who loves her was near.
For the next month, her family and closet friends kept vigil. I admit there were moments
when I was almost certain she would choose to leave and then as soon as I would have
that thought I would receive gentle assurance, she would stay. When she opened her eyes
this week and I looked deeply into them I knew she was back and the next step of her
healing journey had begun. In moments such as these, words miss the mark. When our
eyes met, our energies merged and somehow we were both comforted and strengthened
by this holy instant.
Contrast this experience with my next encounter which happened in the same week. I
received a call from a local Christian based thrift store owner with a desperate plea for his
wife who was riddled with cancer to use our FIR Sauna. They had no medical insurance,
but hospice had provided them with the meds they needed to keep her comfortable as
the disease raged through her feeble body. The caller said, “I’m praying for a miracle.
our lord and savior has the power to heal her completely and I’m staying faithful to that
When he brought his frail wife in for the sauna, I was overcome by how weak she was
and how he desperately wanted and needed her to live. Even for only one more day.
The next day he called to use our Ion Cleanse, a detoxifying foot-bath, and I thought my
goodness “what could that possibly do”…but I quickly reminded myself this was not for
me to judge, but to serve, so I offered to bring it to their home so she wouldn’t have to
make the trip. She was surrounded by her family and they too were vigilant in her fight.
As an outsider, I couldn’t help but wonder….I had seen life and near death in the
same week. As a practitioner of energy medicine, I thought to myself what is the real
difference between these two expressions. Are they not two sides of the same coin?
Why are we so afraid to die? Do we not die because we don’t want to disappoint our
loved ones? Does our need for our loved one not to die keep them in a state of limbo and
Maybe we need to talk a little more openly about this deeply personal experience we all
will encounter one day. It was interesting to me that I noticed when I was in my friend’s
presence, her “field” was palpable…I could sense her in that way. Yet, with my new
encounter….it felt as though I could see right through her…as if she had already become…
the light.
Someone shared with me that just as a family celebrates with pink and blue when a
baby is born that the angels also celebrate with pink and blue when a new one enters the
kingdom of the great mystery.
Which is better…life or death? I really couldn’t tell you. Maybe they’re just two sides of

the same coin. 



Heart Rate Variability – a useful tool

Our second level is the “Energy body” or “electromagnetic” level.

EEG, EKG and EMG are some of the common tests you may be familiar that measure the electromagnetic energies in the body.  One of my favorite tools I use is called , Heart Rate Variability (HRV).  HRV is a simple 6 minute test that gives us a window into the patient’s Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS is responsible for every function in your body from blood pressure regulation to digestion and heart beat to immune response. When I measure a person’s HRV it gives me a good indication of where that patient is on the health continuum. Here is a 6 minute video I found which gives a simple but thorough explanation.   Heart Rate Variability Health is a relative term.  Some patient’s tell me they are “healthy,” yet, they are on meds for heart burn, blood pressure and insomnia.  A truly healthy person does not need to take medications to regulate these functions.  HRV shows a graph of what a physically fit and optimal ANS looks like.  In my 8 years of doing HRV, I have only seen two patients who registered at this level.

  The other insight I glean from this scan is the patient’s emotional health.  We view this through a set of numbers known as the SDNN.  When the SDNN numbers are low, we must look deeper into the patient’s emotional history.  Just yesterday, a 47 year young woman came in with symptoms of depression, weight gain, fatigue and chronic gut issues.  As soon as we did her HRV (more info at Emotion Regulation Lab) I asked her about what was going on in her life. Her eyes immediately filled with tears as she talked about her families struggles with job loss, financial stress, her dad’s passing and her youngest son was just brought to the emergency room for appendicitis.   As soon as she was able to speak about it, there was a change in the room and in how she was breathing.  We have a long way to go, but using a 5 level model will allow us to create a care plan that goes way beyond supplements and detoxification.  This patient needs help navigating these emotional waters.  We have the tools to do that and we have many supportive resources to offer her.  Healing at this level takes a lot of commitment on the patient’s part.  It’s simple; but it’s not always easy.


What are the 5 levels of health & healing?

The 5 levels of health is a model which organizes health and healing into the physical body, energy body, mental body, information body and consciousness. The idea of 5 levels of health is not new.  There are many ancient references to the idea that we are more than our physical body.  The work I do is a contemporary application of these ancient principles coupled with the usefulness of modern technology and clinical application. I was introduced to this model through the work of my mentor, Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D, Phd.  www.KlinghardtAcademy.com The Taittiriya Upanishad describes five bodies or sheaths called koshas that “cover” or contain our higher consciousness.  The koshas constitute layers, or veils, that operate at different levels, always circling ever outward from the inner self.  These five layers or sheaths of consciousness are usually depicted as originating with the most material kosha and transcending to the most ethereal.  

  An alternative view is that the koshas emerge from the highest vibratory or spiritual state, or the blissful level, and then shift toward the most material level.  While the energies shift from subtle to material, the material then climbs again to subtle.  Thus, the koshas can be viewed as constantly operating on both a microcosmic and macrocosmic level.   In our model, the 5 levels also shift one to the other, interdependent, each influencing the other.  You might say we began as “consciousness” or spirit and was then birthed into the physical only to return to consciousness.  Others believe we began as physical and are meant to return to the spiritual. (spirit.)  It’s safe to say….no one knows for sure.  There are many mysteries yet to be fully understood on each of these levels.  For me, that is part of the wonder.  



How can you stay healthy through this model?

Recently, a female 42 y.o. patient came to me.  She is underweight, malnourished, fatigued with a constant headache that prevents her from enjoying life, her 2 young children and it has caused some marital discord.  In addition, she has chronic lyme disease and has spent thousands of dollars and seen some of the top specialists in the Northeast.  She has made little to no progress and has become depressed and anguished at the idea of living life feeling so badly.   Using our 5 level model, I immediately knew we wouldn’t make much progress by only focusing on the physical level.  She has been doing just that for years.  At one time, she was taking 35 different supplements per day,  was eating only raw and worked out 3 times a week.  She experienced marginal improvement.  She said she was sick and tired of doing all these treatments and nothing was working.  I knew immediately we had to look at a different level.   Using the NES (nutri-energetics system)  the scan showed  an issue around profound loss, family, & deep woundedness.  As soon as my patient saw the results her eyes filled with tears and she told me she had lost both her father and mother within the past 3 years.  Her mom’s passing was sudden and unexpected and she still had deep sadness and guilt over the unhealed relationship she had with her mother when she died so unexpectedly The NES system is based on the idea that Information and Energy Control Biology http://www.hunterdonholisticcenter.com/more_nes     The NES analyzes your body-field and identifies any problems. The scan revealed where in her biofield the energy was stuck. The concept is simple. Imagine the body as a computer. The body’s cells and body parts are like hardware. This has been very well studied by Western Medicine over the last 100 years with little current understanding over what actually controls the body. What has been ignored is the body’s information system or its ‘operating system’ and ‘the energy’ (or software) needed to run the system. She said this was the first she was able to “tell the truth” about her pain and sadness in a very long time. Once we begin to work our way through this “pain journey,” she will be able to heal enough to free the energy for her “physical” body to begin to respond.  We have a long way to go but the prognosis is favorable and we are moving to a “cure” not a “coverup.”
