What is Autonomic Response Testing?

We use Autonomic Response Testing (ART) as taught by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., PhD.   Dr. Klinghardt developed this technique with the help of Louisa Williams, MC, DC, ND and Yoshiaki Omura, MD.  ART is a very advanced and accurate method of muscle testing.  Muscle testing has been used by thousands of practitioners for many years. In fact,  I took my first Applied Kinesiology seminar (as taught by Dr George Goodheart) in 1997 while attending Life University in Marietta, Georgia. Although muscle testing was taught and used primarily by doctors of chiropractic beginning in the late 1960′s, the more advanced techniques are now finding their way into mainstream medicine and are now being used by medical doctors, psychotherapists, physical therapists and the nursing profession.  


Autonomic Response Testing (ART) has taken the art and science of muscle testing to an entirely different level.  For the clinicians who find themselves working with more difficult and confusing cases, ART offers a fairly quick and amazingly accurate method of digging deeper, providing a more accurate path to choose, and saving huge amounts of patient time and money.  And, it could not have shown up at a better time since the chronic health conditions of many Americans today are becoming much more confusing and much more difficult to treat.   What is ART?   ARTesting is an extremely efficient way of evaluating the bodys autonomic nervous system’s response to a specific stressor or a group of stressors.  The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the portion of our nervous system that requires no conscious thought and functions automatically throughout the day.  Balance of the body is controlled by two portions of the ANS the first being the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which is the nervous system that is dominant during times of stress (mental, physical, and chemical).  The second part of the ANS is known as the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) which is dominant during times of relaxation or deep altered states.  We need both of them working equally to maintain a proper tone within the body. The ANS helps to control the beating of our hearts; the rise and fall of blood pressure; the detoxification of the body’s poisons; the digestion, assimilation, and elimination of our foods; the balancing of all our hormones; proper immune system responses; proper blood sugar levels; maximum brain function; and every automatic function of the body’s organs and glands.   ART gives us a way of evaluating what stressor(s) are interfering with proper function of the ANS>  These stressors could come from our external environment such as infectious agents, environmental toxins, or food allergies.  They might also arise internally and manifest as glandular/hormonal imbalances, brain/neurotransmitter imbalances and old injuries with broken-down cellular communication.   How do we apply the stressor to the ANS using ARTesting?   The ANS receives information from our biofields.  Our body’s biofield is an accumulation of electromagnetic energies emitted from all of our cells, tissues, organs, and glands.  Although the body’s biofield (infrared spectrum of light) is not visible with the human eye, it is detectable with some very sophisticated and sensitive equipment.  This biofield, or light field, is produced and emitted by the body and through some very peculiar properties of light; it is also carrying information from our surroundings, in the form of electromagnetic signals, back into the physical body.  The ANS then has an opportunity of responding to that electromagnetic/stress signal.   Biophysicists such as Fritz-Albert Popp, Phd, have discovered that the body produces photons of light called biophotons.  These biophotons are stored and released from the nucleus of our body’s 70 trillion cells. And these biophotons carry information within and  between cells.  Dr. Popp has written and published eight books and more than 150 scientific journals (International Institute of Biophysics – www.lifescientists.de) A great analogy here is how light is used with fiber-optics to carry the electromagnetic signal of our voice to someone in Europe.  Light carries information in the form of electromagnetic signals.  Scientists have calculated that one color of a beam of light can carry 200 terabits (terabit=one trillion bits) of information per second.  The entire Library of Congress has only 30 terabits of information in it. Homeopathic preparations of hormones, small samples of heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium) microbial-derived frequencies, foods and preparation of food additives, vials of environmental and microbial toxins are just some of the stressors we use with ART.  These substances are introduced into the patient’s biofield with the help of specialized light-carrying devices called Signal Enhancers.  There is no physical contact with the potential stressor.  Only electromagnetic signals of the substances carried by photons of light are allowed into the biofield.  If the body recognizes any of these signals as a stressor, through a neurological process carried from the ANS to the brain and the brain back to the body, a change in muscle tone can be observed.  This change in muscle tone can be evaluated with a very simple muscle test.  This is not a muscle strength test. The muscle will actually lose its ability to lock the joint.   Other stressors that can be evalated wi the use of ART include transgeneration thoughts, destructive emotions, environmental allergies/sensitivities dental problems (such as incompatible dental materials and chronic infections), geopathic stress, and electromagnetic frequency stress (cell phones, cell phone towers, microwaves, un-insulated home power wires).   Using ARTesting to perform all of the testing mentioned above can actually be accomplished within a very short period of time–usually within 2 hours.  Because there are no two of us exactly alike, the treatment will vary with each individual.  ART is also very effective in helping the practitioner to to detect the uniqueness in each patient and help to determine the most efficacious treatment plan.  Although the diagnosis might be very similar between patients, it is extremely rare that any two individuals receive exactly the same treatment protocols.  We are all clinically, genetically, socially, environmentally, and fundamentally unique. Why is ART so accurate and such an improvement over other similar forms of bio-feedback or muscle testing?


Autonomic Response Testing is one of the most reliable and accurate forms of muscle testing.  If performed consciously by a well-practiced practitioner, traditional laboratory results cannot even come close to the reliability and accuracy of ART.  And, it allows us to participate in the patient’s health conditions on levels that cannot be experienced with any other diagnostic procedures.   No doubt, one of the primary reasons that ART has been found  to be such a great diagnostic tool is its ability to detect when the body’s deep regulatory abilities have been altered.  Evaluating for these very basic regulatory processes, and detecting alterations in these processes, is critical for receiving the correct information   .   ART uses tools such as polarized light filters, signal enhancers (amplifies the light field and the electromagnetic signals), and therapy localization to detect aberrations in these body regulation procedures.  The first of thee processes is called neurogenic switching and the next is referred to as bloced regulation.  These are terms that are used within the ART community and are not addressed or discussed in outher diagnostic methods.


  Neurogenic Switching   -


Neurogenic switching describes a phenomenon in which there exists neurological disorganization within the body. To define this using a more simplistic model, switching is an extraordinary event in which the polarities of the body are reversed.   The body has electrical currents running through it .  Because of these electrical currents, we can measure brain activity using an electroencephalogram (EEG) or we can measure the electrical activity of the heart using an electrocardiogram (ECG).  In eighth grade science we learned that whenever there is an electrical current there exists a magnetic field that associates itself with this current.  In other words,  the body has a polarity –a    positive and negative pole or North and South Poke, if you prefer.  Switching refers to these poles becoming reversed.  In other words, the positive pole now exists where the negative pole should be and vice versa.   We understand that some scientists believe that a pole reversal, or shift, may have occurred here on the earth about 800 million years ago which would explain many of these cataclysmic events that occurred about that time.


Blocked regulation


Blocked regulation is a phenomenon that occurs when the body’s cells lose their ability to produce coherent light.  Light coherence is a term that describes lights’s ability to focus much like a laser light.  Laser light is very focused and thus coherent.  Light produced by a flash light is diffuse and not coherent.  The light produced and released by our cells is more coherent than any man-made laser.  If the light stays focused (coherent), it maintains its ability to carry information in the form of electromagnetic signals. A coherent state is when the body’s light (biophotons form our cells) leaving the body simultaneously re-enters the body carrying information in a holographic pattern.  In other words, each photon carries all of the information contained in all of the other biophotons about every cell in the entire body.  Every cell in the body knows instantaneously what is happening in every other cell in the body.   Once the body looses its coherency and the light becomes more like a flashlight than a laser, the cells lose their ability to communicate with each other.  It would be like a one group of cells speaking French, another group speaking German, while another group is speaking Latin.   With the use of polarized light filters and signal enhancers, we now have the ability to determine if blocked regulation exists, how much regulation has been lost what has caused it and how to remedy it.  If a practitioner is not looking for neurogenic switching and blocked regulation prior to their testing procedures, there is no guarantee that the information received from the body is going to be correct.

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